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公告时间:2024-10-30 19:49:36
Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd.
Report of Q3 2024
Stock Abbreviation: Zhongding Stock
Stock code: 000887
October 2024

The Company and all members of the Board of Directors have guaranteed
that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete, and contains no
false record, misleading statements or material omissions.
Important Notice:
1. Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)
have guaranteed that this Report contains no false record, misleading statement or material omission and
shall be jointly and severally liable for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the information given in
this Report.
2. CEO of the Company, CFO of the Company, and Chief Accountant of Accounting Institution declared that
the quarterly financial statements should be true, accurate and complete.
3. Whether the third quarter report has been audited
□Yes √ No
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English version, and the English version is for reference
only. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese
versions shall prevail.
1. The Main Financial Data
(1) Main accounting data and financial indicators
Whether the company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate accounting data for previous years
Yes No
Q3 2024 YoY Change(%) From the beginning of
the year to the end of YoY Change(%)
the reporting period
Operatingrevenue 4,826,047,064.83 5.25% 14,495,242,519.77 13.47%
(RMB )
Net profit
attributable to
shareholders of
the listed 335,679,074.25 -2.60% 1,051,912,288.58 20.10%
Net profit
attributable to
shareholders of
the listed
company after 306,264,237.52 12.22% 948,362,602.09 30.43%
deducting non-
Net cash flows from
operating activities — — 1,242,844,002.80 89.10%
Basic earnings per 0.26 -3.70% 0.80 19.40%
share (RMB/share)
Diluted earnings per 0.26 -3.70% 0.80 19.40%
share (RMB/share)
Weighted average 2.60% -0.32% 8.40% 0.76%
End of the Increase/decrease at the end of the
reporting period End of last year reporting period compared with the end of
last year
Total Assets (RMB) 24,025,812,465.44 22,844,191,495.69 5.17%
Owner's equity
attributable to
shareholders of the 12,789,999,519.10 12,064,199,955.89 6.02%
listed Company
(2) Non-recurring gains and losses items and amounts thereof
Applicable □N/A

Unit: RMB
Amount from the
Item Q3 2024 beginning of the year to Note
the end of the reporting
Disposal gains or losses of
non-current assets
(including the offset part of 11,995,786.95 17,318,510.57
the provision for asset
Government subsidies
included in the current gains
and losses (except the ones
that are closely related to
the normal business of the 20,997,268.85 43,441,529.17
Company, and are enjoyed
fixedly, quantitatively and
continuously in accordance
with national policies and
certain standards)
Gains or losses on fair-
value changes on held-for-
trading financial assets and
liabilities&income from
disposal of held-for-trading
financial assets and 34,518,295.51 71,553,187.06
liabilities and available-for-
sale financial
assets(exclusive of the
effective portion of hedges
that arise in the Company's
ordinary course of business)
Gains and losses on external 34,518,295.51 71,553,187.06
entrusted loans
Other non-operating income
or expenses except the -7,048,513.50 4,507,761.53
above items
Other items of profit o


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