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公告时间:2024-11-06 20:10:53

Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No.2024-54
Statement and Commitment by the Nominator of the
Independent Director Candidate of the Company
The Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”),
the nominator, issues this public statement regarding the nomination of Mr. Huang
Jingsheng as an independent director candidate for the 10th session of the Board of
Directors of the Company. Mr. Huang Jingsheng, the nominee, has accepted the
nomination in writing.
This nomination is made after fullyunderstanding the nominee’s occupation, academic
qualifications, title, detailed working experience, all part-time jobs, and whether there
is any major breach of trust and other adverse records, etc.
The nominator here confirms that the nominee complies with the relevant laws,
administrative regulations, departmental rules, standard documents and the rules of the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the qualifications and independence of candidates for the
post of independent director with the detailed statement and commitment as follows.
I. The nominee has passed the qualification examination bythe Nomination Committee
of the 10th Session of the Board of Directors of the Company, and the nominator does
not have any interest or other close relationship with the nominee that may affect the
independent performance of duties.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.
II. The nominee does not fall within any of the cases stipulated in Article 178 of the
“Company Law of the People's Republic of China” that could disqualify a person as a
director of the Company.
√ True □ False

If it is false, please provide details.
III. The nominee has all the qualifications and meets the requirements stipulated in
Measures for the Administration of Independent Directors of Listed Companies issued
by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and the business rules of the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.
IV. The nominee meets all thecriteria forindependent directorsspecifiedin theArticles
of Association of the Company.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.
V. The nominee has attended training and obtained relevant certificates recognized by
the Stock Exchange (if any).
□ True √ False
If it is false, please provide details.
The candidate undertakes to attend training related to independent directors of listed
companies in accordance with the requirements of the Stock Exchange and to obtain
documentary evidence of the training if being appointed.
VI. The appointment of the nominee as an independent director does not violate
relevant provisions of the Civil Servant Law of the People’s Republic of China.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.
VII.The appointment of the nominee as an independent director does not violate the
“Notice on Regulating Cadres Managed by the Organization Department of the CPC
Central Committee to Take up Positions in Listed Companies and Funds as
Independent Directors or Supervisors after Resigning or Retiring from Public Office”
of the Central Commission of Discipline Inspection of CPC.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.
VIII. The appointment of the nominee as an independent director does not violate the
“Opinions on Further Regulating Party and Government Leading Cadres to Hold Part-
time or any Positions in Enterprises” of the Organization Department of the CPC
Central Committee.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.
IX. The appointment of the nominee as an independent director does not violate
relevant regulations in the “Opinions on Strengthening Anti-corruption Campaigns in
Colleges and Universities”oftheCentral Commission ofDiscipline InspectionofCPC,
the Education Ministry and the Ministry of Supervision.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.
X. The appointment of the nominee as an independent director does not violate the
“Guidelines for the System of Independent Directors and External Supervisors of
Shareholding Commercial Banks” of the People’s Bank of China.
√ True □ False

If it is false, please provide details.
XI. The nominee’s appointment as an independent director does not violate the
“Supervision and Management Measures for Directors, Supervisors, Senior
Management and All Related Practitioners of Securities and Fund Companies” of
China Securities Regulatory Commission.
√ True □ False
If it is false, please provide details.


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