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公告时间:2024-09-06 18:55:44
Yunnan Baiyao Group Co., Ltd.
Interim Report 2024
August 2024

Section I Important Notes, Contents, and Definitions
The Board of Directors (the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee and the
accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Interim Report and there are no
misrepresentation, misleading statement ormaterial omission from this Interim Report,
and they accept joint and several responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the contents herein.
Mr. Dong Ming, the person in charge of the Company, Mr. Ma Jia, the accounting
officer, and Ms. Xu Jing, the head of accounting center (accounting supervisor), hereby
declare that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the financial
statements in this Interim Report.
All directors of the Company attended the Board meeting in respect of considering
and approving this Interim Report.
The Company kindly requests investors to read through this Interim Report and
pay special attention to “X. Risks and Countermeasures” in the “Section III
Management Discussion and Analysis.” Investors are advised to pay attention to
investment risks.
The Company has no plan to distribute cash dividends and bonus shares or convert
capital reserves into share capital during the reporting period.
This report has been prepared in Chinese and translated into English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.


Section I Important Notes, Contents, and Definitions......1
Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators......5
Section III Management Discussion andAnalysis......8
Section IV Corporate Governance ......38
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities ......40
Section VI Significant Events......49
Section VII Changes in Shareholdings and Particulars about Shareholders ......73
Section VIII Preference Shares......81
Section IX Bonds ......82
Section X Financial Statements ......84
Documents Available for Inspection
(I) Financial statements affixed with the signatures and stamps of the person in
charge of the Company, the accounting officer, the general manager of accounting
(II) Originals of all the Company’s documents and announcements publicly
disclosedonthe SecuritiesTimes,ShanghaiSecurities News, ChinaSecuritiesJournal,
and http://www.cninfo.com.cn during the reporting period;
(III) Other related materials.

Term Definitions
CSRC China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Hong Kong Stock Exchange The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
State-ownedAssets Supervisionand Administration CommissionofYunnanProvincial
SASAC of Yunnan Province People’s Government
CSRC Yunnan Bureau Yunnan Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission
The Company / Yunnan
Yunnan Baiyao Group Co., Ltd.
New Huadu New Huadu Industrial Group Co., Ltd.
Yunnan Investment Holdings
Yunnan Provincial Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Yunnan State-owned Equity
Operation Management Yunnan State-owned Equity Operation Management Co., Ltd.
Yunnan Hehe Yunnan Hehe (Group) Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Yuyue Jiangsu Yuyue Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Baiyao Holdings Yunnan Baiyao Holdings Co., Ltd.
YNBY International / Ban
YNBY International Limited (Formerly Ban Loong Holdings Limited)
Loong Holdings
Shanghai Pharma Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co., Ltd.
Baiyao Holdings, former controlling shareholder of Yunnan Baiyao, introduced
Mixed ownership reform
strategic investors New Huadu and Jiangsu Yuyue by capital increase
A transaction that Yunan Baiyao merged with Baiyao Holdings by issuing shares to all
Merger and overall listing shareholders of Baiyao Holdings, including SASAC of Yunnan Province, New Huadu and
Jiangsu Yuyue
Yunnan Pharma Yunnan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
OTC Over-the-counter drug
Reporting period The period from January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
RMB, RMB’0,000, Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed in tens of thousands
RMB’00,000,000 of Renminbi, expressed in hundreds of millions of Renminbi

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators
I. Company Profile
Stock Abbreviation


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