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公告时间:2024-08-07 19:05:45
GuangdongDongfangPrecisionScience& TechnologyCo.,Ltd.
【Dateof Disclosure】26July2024

Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Semi-AnnualReport 2024
PartI ImportantNotes,Tableof ContentsandDefinitions
The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the
directors, supervisors and senior management of Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science &
Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee that the
contents of this Report are true, accurate and complete and free of any misrepresentations,
misleading statements, or material omissions, and collectively and individually accept legal
responsibility for such contents.
Tang Zhuolin, the Company’s legal representative, Shao Yongfeng, the Company’s Chief
Financial Officer, and Chen Nan, the Head of the Company’s Accounting Department
(equivalent to Financial Manager) hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in
this Report are truthful, accurate and complete.
All directors of the Company attendedin person the board meeting forthe approval of this
For possible risks with respect to the Company, please refer to “X Risks Faced by the
Company and Countermeasures” of “Part III Management Discussion and Analysis” herein.
And investors are kindly advised to read through the aforesaidcontents.
The Company has no semi-annual dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.
Special Declaration
This Report has been prepared in Chinese and translated into English. Should there be
any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall

Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Semi-AnnualReport 2024
Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions...... 2
Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ...... 7
Part III Management Discussionand Analysis ...... 10
Part IV Corporate Governance ...... 67
Part V Environmental andSocial Responsibilities...... 70
Part VI Significant Events...... 72
Part VII Share Changes andShareholder Information...... 78
Part VIII Preference Shares......86
Part IXCorporate Bonds ...... 87
Part X Corporate Financial Statements...... 88
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Semi-AnnualReport 2024
1. Thefinancial statementssigned andsealed by theCompany’slegal representative,ChiefFinancial Officer,
and theperson-in-chargeof the financial organ.
2. All the originals of the Company’sannouncementsanddocumentsthatweredisclosed to the public during
the ReportingPeriodon the media designated by the CSRCfor informationdisclosure.
3.The2024Semi-Annual Reportcarrying thesignature of the legal representative.
1166 Wanghai Road, Shekou, Shuiwan Community, Zhaoshang Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City,

Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Semi-AnnualReport 2024
Term Definition
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd., and its
Dongfang Precision, or the “Company”
consolidated subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requires
The corrugated box packaging machinery division of Guangdong Dongfang
Dongfang Precision (China)
Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Fosber Italy Fosber S.p.A.
Fosber Asia Guangdong Fosber Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.
Fosber America Fosber America, Inc.
Fosber Tianjin Fosber Machinery (Tianjin) Co., Ltd
The business group including subsidiaries Fosber Italy, Fosber America, Qcorr,
Fosber Group
Tiruña Group, etc.
Tiruña Group Tiruña Slu
Tiruña America Tiruña America Inc.
Tiruña Asia Tiruña (Guangdong) Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
QCorr QuantumCorrugated S.r.l.
Dongfang Precision (Europe)/EDF EDF Europe S.r.l.
Dongfang Precision (Netherland) Dong Fang Precision (Netherland) Cooperatief U.A.
Dongfang Precision (HK) Dong Fang Precision (HK) Limited
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