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公告时间:2024-04-25 20:36:13

Social and Governance (ESG) Report
Long as the journey is, we will reach our destination if
we stay the course; difficult as the task is, we will get
the job done if we keep working at it.
Light up Spaces for a New Journey

Contents A Message from Chairman 05 01
Lit up 2023 07 Focus
Milestones in 2023 09
Reliable Products from Low-Carbon Environment
Trustworthy Brand 11 Development Focusing 25 Friendliness for a 39
CONTENTS Understanding HY SOLAR 13 on Green Mission Circular Economy
Feature Environmental Compliance 41
Company Overview 13 Energy Management 42
Organizational Structure 14 Leading the Way in Water Resource Management 43
Corporate Culture 14 Smart Manufacturing Waste and Hazardous Emissions 44
for More Accessible 31 Management
HY SOLAR Six Manufacturing Bases 15 Clean Energy Ecological Conservation 48
Honors and Awards 17
Embracing Sustainable 21 02 03
Development Through Diversity
Sustainability Management Framework 21
Stakeholder Engagement 22 Coordinated Strengthening
Materiality Assessment 23 Cooperation for the Foundation
Shared Value 49 for a Long-lasting 67
Creation Business
Sustainable Supply Chain 51 Corporate Governance 69
IndependentVerificationStatement 81 Employee Rights 53 Risk Management 69
Human Capital Development 59 Information Security Management 75
Appendices 83 Occupational Health and Safety 63 Investor Relations 77
AboutThisReport 93 Community and Charity Contributions 66 Customer Relationship Management 78
HY SOLAR 2023 Environmental, A Message from Chairman
Social and Governance (ESG) Report
A Message from
If continuous innovation is the source of power for HY SOLAR's development, then duty and This year, HY SOLAR continued to focus on the innovation and breakthrough of photovoltaic core
responsibility are the spiritual background of HY SOLAR's progress. After 22 years of ups and technology. By developing a first-class scientific research team, constructing highly specialised
downs, in the context of green development be


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